How Proper Structural Monitoring Could Have Reduced the Catastrophe of the Turkey-Syria Earthquake

Encardio Rite
7 min readMay 31, 2023


On February 6th, 2023, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck the Aegean Sea between Turkey and Greece. The earthquake caused extensive damage and loss of life, with 50,783 in Turkey, and 8,476 in Syria dead. The earthquake’s epicenter was 37 km (23 mi) west–northwest of Gaziantep, and many of the deaths and injuries occurred in the nearby city of Izmir. While earthquakes are an inevitable part of life in this region, proper structural monitoring could have reduced the catastrophe of this earthquake. In this article, we will explore how proper structural monitoring could have made a difference in the outcome of the Turkey-Syria earthquake.

Understanding Structural Monitoring

Structural monitoring is the process of observing and analyzing the behavior of a structure over time to ensure that it is functioning as intended. This process involves the use of sensors, data collection systems, and analytical tools to measure the forces and movements within a structure and detect any changes or anomalies. Structural monitoring is essential for ensuring the safety and integrity of buildings, bridges, dams, and other structures that are critical to society’s functioning.

The Importance of Structural Monitoring in Earthquake-Prone Regions

Earthquake-prone regions like Turkey and Syria are particularly vulnerable to structural damage and collapse. The forces generated by an earthquake can cause significant stress on a structure’s components, leading to cracking, buckling, and failure. Proper structural monitoring can detect these changes early, allowing engineers and building owners to take action to prevent catastrophic failure.

  • Structural monitoring plays a crucial role in earthquake-prone areas by providing information about the performance of structures during an earthquake event. The primary goal of structural monitoring is to detect any damage to buildings or other structures as quickly as possible so that appropriate action can be taken to prevent further damage or collapse.
  • In earthquake-prone areas, structural monitoring systems are typically installed in buildings, bridges, and other critical infrastructure to detect and measure the effects of an earthquake. These systems can include sensors, accelerometers, and other devices that measure the forces and movements experienced by a structure during an earthquake.
  • By continuously monitoring the behavior of structures, structural monitoring systems can provide early warning of potential structural failures, allowing authorities to take appropriate action to evacuate buildings and other structures before they collapse. This can save lives and prevent damage to critical infrastructure.
  • In addition to providing early warning of potential structural failures, structural monitoring can also be used to improve the design and construction of new buildings and other structures. By analyzing the performance of existing structures during earthquakes, engineers can identify areas of weakness and develop more robust design solutions to withstand seismic events.

Overall, the role of structural monitoring in earthquake-prone areas is to help reduce the risk of damage and collapse of buildings and other structures, protect lives, and minimize the economic impact of earthquakes on communities.

Cause of Structural Failure

One of the major causes of the structural failures was the use of substandard building materials, which could not withstand the intensity of the earthquake. Many buildings were built using low-quality concrete, which crumbled under the force of the quake. The use of insufficient steel reinforcement also contributed to the collapse of many structures.

Another issue was the lack of compliance with building codes and regulations. In many cases, building owners and contractors disregarded the requirements for earthquake-resistant construction, opting for cheaper, non-compliant methods instead. This led to buildings being constructed without proper bracing, or without the necessary reinforcements to withstand earthquakes.

Additionally, the age of the buildings was also a contributing factor. Many structures in the region were built decades ago, and were not designed to withstand the force of a modern earthquake. These older buildings were often constructed without any seismic protection or reinforcement, making them highly vulnerable to damage.

How Structural Monitoring Could Have Made a Difference in the Turkey-Syria Earthquake

The Turkey-Syria earthquake caused extensive damage and loss of life, particularly in the city of Izmir. Many buildings collapsed or suffered significant structural damage, leading to numerous fatalities and injuries. While earthquakes are an inevitable part of life in this region, proper structural monitoring could have made a difference in the outcome of this earthquake.

Identifying Vulnerable Structures

One of the key benefits of structural monitoring is that it allows engineers to identify vulnerable structures before an earthquake occurs. By analyzing a building’s design, materials, and construction, engineers can determine which structures are most likely to suffer damage or collapse during an earthquake. With this knowledge, building owners can take steps to strengthen their structures or relocate to safer buildings.

Detecting Damage Early

Even in well-designed and constructed buildings, earthquakes can cause damage that is not immediately visible to the naked eye. Cracks, shifting foundations, and other structural changes can occur gradually over time, leading to a weakened structure that is more susceptible to collapse. Proper structural monitoring can detect these changes early, allowing engineers and building owners to take action to prevent catastrophic failure.

Providing Real-Time Data During an Earthquake

During an earthquake, structural monitoring systems can provide real-time data on a building’s response to the shaking. This information can be used to assess the safety of the building and determine whether occupants should evacuate. Additionally, this data can be used to inform emergency responders about which buildings are most at risk of collapse, allowing them to prioritize their rescue efforts.

Monitoring solution

A basic system offered by Encardio Rite that can be used for most structures essentially consists of the following:

  • Encardio Rite model ESDL-30MT SDI-12 data logger with in-built tiltmeter mounted at one or more locations on the structure to measure and log tilt data. ESDL-30MT is provided with an integral GSM/GPRS modem for storing and transmitting data to a server with the service provider.
  • Encardio Rite model EDJ-40V vibrating wire crack meter (with ESVI-01–01 SDI-12 interface box) to monitor structural cracks
  • Encardio Rite model EAN-93M-B biaxial tilt meter with integral SDI-12 protocol (at additional locations, if required)
  • Encardio Rite model EDS-70V vibrating wire type multiple point borehole extensometer (with ESVI-01–04 SDI-12 interface box) for monitoring sub-surface settlement and lateral movement at specified points.
  • Encardio Rite model ELC-30S resistive strain gage type centre hole load cell (with ESBI-10 SDI-12 interface box) for monitoring tension in anchors used for stabilizing the slope.
  • Encardio Rite model EADA-350F is an analog, force feedback, triaxial accelerometer, designed for specific applications in seismology, hazard mitigation and civil & earthquake engineering to study the response of mega structures.
  • Encardio Rite model ERG-200 tipping bucket rain Encardio Rite model EPP-30V vibrating wire piezometer (with ESVI-01–01 or ESVI-10VB SDI-12 interface box) to monitor sub-surface water level. In case atmospheric pressure is to be monitored, use the model ESVI-10VB as it has an integral barometric pressure sensor.
  • Encardio Rite model EGNSS-101 GNSS base/reference receiver station to monitor structural health and displacement monitoring.
  • Encardio Rite model ESDL-30 data logger for the above mentioned sensors, with integral GSM/GPRS modem for storing and transmitting data to a server.
  • Encardio Rite online web data monitoring service (WDMS) that provides data online (with alarms) to authorised users at different locations, on their computer/laptops.


The Turkey-Syria earthquake was a tragic event that caused extensive damage and loss of life. While earthquakes are an inevitable part of life in this region, proper structural monitoring could have reduced the catastrophe of this earthquake. By identifying vulnerable structures, detecting damage early, and providing real-time data during an earthquake, structural monitoring can help prevent catastrophic failure and save lives.


  1. What is structural monitoring?
    Structural monitoring is the process of observing and analyzing the behavior of a structure over time to ensure that it is functioning as intended.
  2. Why is structural monitoring important in earthquake-prone regions?
    Earthquake-prone regions are particularly vulnerable to structural damage and collapse due to the intense forces generated by earthquakes. Structural monitoring can help detect any changes or anomalies in a structure’s behavior, allowing engineers and building owners to take action to prevent catastrophic failure.
  3. How can structural monitoring help prevent building collapses during earthquakes?
    By identifying vulnerable structures, detecting damage early, and providing real-time data during an earthquake, structural monitoring can help prevent building collapses during earthquakes. This information can be used to inform emergency responders about which buildings are most at risk of collapse, allowing them to prioritize their rescue efforts.
  4. What are some of the benefits of proper structural monitoring?
    Proper structural monitoring can help ensure the safety and integrity of buildings, bridges, dams, and other structures that are critical to society’s functioning. It can also help prevent catastrophic failure, save lives, and reduce damage and loss of property.
  5. How can building owners ensure that their structures are properly monitored?
    Building owners can work with engineers and other professionals to implement a comprehensive structural monitoring plan for their buildings. This plan should include regular inspections, data collection, and analysis to ensure that the building is functioning as intended and any potential issues are identified and addressed in a timely manner.



Encardio Rite

Established in India in the year 1966, Encardio Rite is a world leader in safety monitoring providing geotechnical, structural monitoring solutions.